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   Electrical light lamp electronic combination lock
   1, 概述
   1, an overview of the
   Our electronic combination lock has two sets of 1-12 passwords, ultra-low power consumption, motor to open the drawer stuck proof, etc.
   This electronic combination lock hardware resources and design function
   1) **低功耗,静态电流<10uA。电机启动工作后20s无动作回到睡眠状态。
   1) Ultra low power consumption, static current < 10 UA. Motor start 20 s no action back to sleep after work.
   2) “0——9”输入密码,“*”密码设置确认,“#”密码输入确认。
   2) "0-9" input password, password confirmation "*", "#" password input validation.
   3) 红黄绿三个指示灯,和蜂鸣器指示。红灯指示电池电压,黄灯作按键指示和编码状态指示。
   3) Three lights red, yellow, green), and a buzzer instructions. Red light indicates the battery voltage, the yellow light as a key indicator and coding state.
   4) 具有掉电记忆功能,系统掉电后,密码一直保存。
   4) Power lost memory function, the system after power off, the password has been saved.
   5) 具有电机防卡死功能,一定时间内电机转动不到位,认为电机卡死。
   5) With functions of axial-flow compressor. in order electric card die, motor rotation does not reach the designated position, within a certain time that motor.

